Yes I want a hug

I long for a hug covered in sweet warmth and understanding
to take away my blue anxiety and make it green again
make my blue anxiety, a place of growth, green hope

hold me close and stop time for me
right now everything is going so fast
my tongue wants to say the deep thoughts to strangers
they who do not have care for me but have wide grins
so stop me and stop time from pushing me

a hug and someone that makes my back a bit softer
less scarred from the things they throw at me
someone that does not know the entire horror story
but feels the atmosphere of my being


When the rain is crashing down on you
and you are gasping  for he air between the drops
this is how I feel whenever I get told news
that does not offer me the sun

When you see me know that my lungs
are filled halfway with water

When you are ready to come into my life
with the baggage of your life
know that my sensitivity is on high
and your stress will become mine

No matter how sincere you are
I may have to say no
and walk away into my own sun